The European Desalination Society, partner of Saltgae project, are experts dedicated to the dissemination of information and networking through:

  • Scientific Conferences and Exhibits
    Organized by the European Desalination Society: Annual and semi annual conferences with 200–600 participants Dedicated session(s) with presentations on specific topics
  • Collaboration with relevant events by other International Societies
    (GWI, AquaTech, IDA, IWA, AMTA, CDA, etc.)
  • Desalination and Water Treatment a hybrid/open access journal,
    Publisher and Editor-in-chief of peer reviewed journal (30,000 pp/year, 2,500 papers/year)
    Issues dedicated to topics and/or conferences
  • Supply of information from the literature in addition to a book published on Halo Bacteria.
  • Website Desalination Directory
    31,000 individual, 6,000 organizations from over 100 countries
    2000 visits per day, 20,000 hits/per day
    Mass e-mails sent regularly to all or to select list
    Dedicated closed area can be established
    List of events
  • Short Courses
    Courses on specific topics held at Faculty of Engineering, University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome
    Almeria, Spain in conjunction with Plataforma Solar Almeria.
    Elsewhere – upon request
  • Information Center
    The European Desalination Society deals with many requests for information in the field of desalination and water treatment